Friday, May 02, 2008

Happy Birthday Joseph!

This past weekend we celebrated Joseph's birthday. But not just any birthday. The big 3-0.
How do you create a special day for someone who can read you with just a glance? How do you surprise someone who is always on the lookout?

Well, I think I did it!

I was going for memorable. Thus, the Joseph Bailey T-shirt was created. With the help of a t-shirt genius, Scott, we had shirts made of Joseph. It features a picture of Joseph with a handlebar mustache (which he shaved down from a beard just to gross me out) and the slogan "Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving."

I cooked a huge breakfast and invited friends from our life group. Said friends were gracious enough to get in on the t-shirt gag and purchased their own and wore them to the breakfast as a surprise to JB. It was priceless!

The day of the party, I asked Joseph if he could help me by getting Luke dressed in what I set out for him while I finished up cooking. (Luke had a shirt with just JB's face as it was too small for the text) While I am in the kitchen laughing hysterically, Joseph comes in and says "Crista, who's on his shirt?" Amidst my laughing he exclaims "Is that me?!?!?!?"

I give him a shirt to wear and he appreciates the gag and congratulates me on catching him off guard.

Slowly the rest of the plot becomes obvious to him. First with: "do you have a shirt too?", then: (in embarrassed shock) "who else has one of these shirts?" Finally as people started arriving wearing the aforementioned shirt, he just shook his head in disbelief and said "Holy cow, Crista, you got me."

Insert victory dance here.

Here's some pics so you can enjoy the magic too.

Here's the birthday boy:
Those in attendance at breakfast:
Everyone making the face JB is making in the photo on the shirt
Luke in the Shirt. He kept pointing to the artwork and saying "da da!"

To add to the fun, people were wearing the shirts at worship band practice the next morning and some even wore them to first service at church. Kudos to Todd who wore it the entire morning on stage for 3 services while playing the drums.

This kind of gag really never goes away. For years to come we will be reminded of Joseph in all his handlebar stache glory.

Love you JB!!


Kristen said...

I'm so glad you're back, and I love the t-shirts! I pulled that one on a friend last summer for a going away party. It was priceless! Very well done. :-)

Tyler and Kelly said...

Wow!! Looks like so much fun! Great memories for the grand-kids!! Love reading your posts!! Wish we could hang out for the afternoon and catch up! Maybe someday....=) Love, Kelly

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday, Joseph! (delighted squeal here) I am so glad we are back in touch! We miss you guys. You should know that Loren made Young Life camp shirts last year with him posing as Che Guavara...look him up if you aren't familiar. Then, he cut all his hair off so people wouldn't know it was him. Is it weird that both our boys have shirts with themselves on them?