Wednesday, February 24, 2010


We loaded up the Tahoe a week ago and headed down to College Station for our annual "Lock-In". What started 5 ish years ago with 4 couples who would meet and spend quiet days together doing whatever we wanted (!) has now grown to a loud (and immensely fun!) weekend of 8 adults and 9 children (age 4 and under) living for 36 hours under one roof, sharing a tiny slice of life together. Unfortunately, of those 17 people, 10 of us punctuated our time together with a stomach bug. Not so fun, especially since Micah's made its debut IN THE CAR ON THE WAY HOME. Repeatedly. Let it not overshadow the wonderful time we had, though!

The adults ditched the kids got a baby sitter on Friday night and had dinner and conversation. And we stayed out late! Whew. I felt 29 again! ha ha. Unfortunately, my dear Elizabeth had to leave us for the weekend because she was sick. We missed you EB! Then the rest of the weekend, we took time to laugh, have deep conversation, play with the kids etc. It was nice to not have an agenda, just to enjoy each other. Good times. Then Sunday we cleaned up, packed up and hopped around town to see the other College Stationians (?) that we love. It was so good to see Jess, Josh and the Alfords. Thank you for spending time with us! Luke especially loved playing with the turtles and cats with J/J and asked repeatedly for "Mr. Rick" to run him around the house and play swords together. We loved it!

In the picture above : Davis (2), Sam (3), Luke (3), Murphy (3), Greyson (4). Not pictured: Eli (17 months?), Lily (7 months), Judah and Micah (10 months).

LOVE LOVE LOVE these kids and the sweet friendship they already have. We are blessed by that same kind of friendship with their parents. DeVores, Stricklands, Moffitts, you are all such a deep well of sweet, sweet blessing for our family. There are friendships that you just can't explain why, but your heart is in it for life and we consider that to be true with you guys. What a source of encouragement, fun, community and genuine friendship you guys are! We love you!
Does anyone have a picture of the adults?

Let's see how many kids we can have this time next year! Ready, set, GO! Kidding. A lot of kidding.

1 comment:

The DeVore's said...

I say "ditto" to everything you said, except you said it better :) That weekend did my heart so good and I am reminded each time that we all get to be together how incredibly blessed we are!! Thanks for all the fun. Almost a month later there is a pic of just the adults from the weekend :)