Secrets are not my forte.
Don't misunderstand me. If you tell me something in confidence, most likely it will remain hidden in my thoughts (albeit bouncing around wildly out of control) not to be revealed until given permission. The one whose confidence I betray most is myself.
If I am playing cards, I cannot cope with the knowledge of a great hand- or poor hand for that matter -all to myself. Hints fall out of my mouth, comments are like stray bullets. My face also tells the story. I'm going to leave the Vegas poker tables alone for now.
I don't think even once, Joseph reached a birthday or Christmas without knowing what I bought him.
Today at the gym, I was talking to the GM about payment options; she asked me why I was reticent to sign a year contract. Before tact or reason could take control, I blurted out "Because I'm a flake". Not good, Crista. Who's going to help out a flake. I just might go in my first day and yell, "Please waste your time on me!"
Lastly, a friend pointed out the frailty and transparency of my gift receiving procedure. Have I only been kidding myself? Now, this is the truth. I am always grateful for any gift that anyone gives me. I find that the thoughtfulness and sacrifice touch me far deeper than the quality of the product. That being said, I have realized that If I receive something that is not exactly what I would have chosen, I will compliment it on one particular attribute. For example, "Thank you for the bright orange Mohair sweater. Its so soft!" In actuality, "soft" does not win a sweater its way into my wardrobe. "Cute" is the ranking factor. Its just true. But the eternal optimist in me will bring these accolades to the surface.
Well, now that's great. I just showed you all my cards. Christmas should be fun.
WHAT!!!! You told me you liked that sweater... Have you been lying to me for the past 20+ years???? Thats it...all you get for your birthday is a ball of yarn....then you can make your own sweater....
That's why I don't get you anything anymore. JK. It's just because I am a flake.
you are funny folks, but you both missed the part where I said I am very grateful for every gift. And 99% of the time I genuinely love what someone has given me. you know there are just those times...
Your words slip out...I have to watch my face. Now, that's a hard thing to do if you really think about it. But imagine me, sitting in my office, continuously "checking my face" (as though I can see it) to make sure it is not offending the one sitting across from me.
My face also gives away anything when asked directly. It cannot tell a lie, even when my mouth tries.
So, I guess there's nothing wrong with us...we're simply living our lives in truth!
cris your so cute
Hey Jess--you're moving back to Texas?
Sweetheart, you just don't worry about it. God made you sweet, he did not make you to be a card shark. I love you!
thanks Holly and Aunt Gin
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